• +234 567 234 875
  • 1st Avenue, Boston

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Office Cleaning

  • Client David Jon
  • Company Suntex Co
  • Date Jun 20, 2019
  • Work Type Floor, Office

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Building Cleaning

Good general hygiene is the first step in maintaining a clean & safe.

Office Cleaning

Good general hygiene is the first step in maintaining a clean & safe.

Carpet Cleaning

Good general hygiene is the first step in maintaining a clean & safe.


Client’s goals

Our goal is to address all your office cleaning needs so you can focus on your business success. We aim to exceed all your expectations and help you create a great first imp ression of your business to schedule your complimentary.

  • Licensed, Bonded and Insured
  • First-Class Customer Service
  • Customizedcleaning services
  • Customized budget solutions
  • Cost and time efficiency
  • Certified Professionals
  • Customized Solutions
  • Hands on supervisors